Wednesday, 20 January 2016

Review of The Bunyip in the Billabong by Elaine Ouston

The Bunyip in the Billabong is the first in a new series called Bush Tails written by Elaine Ouston and published by Morris Publishing in 2016. I was lucky enough to receive an advance copy.
Bunyips are popular subjects with a lot of readers, and The Bunyip in the Billabong makes use of many icons of the Australian bush from billabongs to dingoes to sheep. Granddad is a quintessential teller of bush tales.
Eleven-year-old Matthew and his much older brother have been home-schooled on the family property and now Jason is at university, Matthew feels somewhat lonely. When lambs begin to disappear, Dad thinks dingoes are to blame. Matthew remembers his grandfather’s story about the bunyip in the billabong. Could the bunyip be responsible for taking the lambs? Matthew is in two minds as Dad says no and Granddad says maybe. When two of the most important people in his world disagree, who should he believe? When Jason comes home for a few days, Matthew sees his chance to solve the mystery.

Elaine Ouston tells a good story. The pace moves along smoothly, with likable characters and a warm family-centred tone. The dialogue is natural and the sheep station setting well realised. I liked the way the mystery was resolved, with no fuzzy question marks over the ending. This short but fully-formed chapter book is ideal for reading aloud or for independent reading. Since Matthew is eleven, it would also work for less able or less engaged older readers. 
Click HERE to read an interview with the author.

Elaine Ouston and The Bunyip in the Billabong

Today we welcome Elaine Ouston to Promote Me Please to talk about her new book, The Bunyip in the Billabong.

Q.1. The Bunyip in the Billabong is the first in a new series called Bush Tails. What came first, the idea for the story or the idea for the series? Will later books also feature Matthew and his family?

A.1. The bunyip story was written some years ago for The School Magazine. I had just had a short story, A Close Call, published in their magazine and wrote a couple more for submission to them. They said they loved the story, the mystery, and the way it was written, but they asked me to change the ending. In that first draft, I had Nathan taking the lambs and killing them for food. Apparently, they considered this too gory for their readers so they asked me to come up with another ending. At the time, I was busy with other books and just starting with publishing, so I put it aside to rewrite it at a later date. Recently, I was going through files looking for another story and came across it. In the same file were several other stories loosely based on life on the station where I lived as a child. I decided they would make an interesting series. One of the other books features Matthew and Kate.

Q.2. A billabong with an underwater cave entrance is guaranteed to excite young readers. Is this based on a real place? If not, where did you get the idea?

A.2. We had a billabong in our front paddock on the station where I lived. It was a spring-fed waterhole. It was very deep at one end and had a rocky ledge we jumped off when we swam there. The rest came from my imagination as I plotted the story.

Q.3. The Bunyip in the Billabong is set firmly in the outback. How would you introduce the story to a child of the inner city?

A.3. Most children have heard of the bunyip and love mystery and adventure stories, so I don't think they would care where it is set. Besides, it teaches them how the country kids live and most kids are inquisitive.

Q.4. The way the story is presented makes it suitable for a wide range of ages. It could be read to younger children, read by independent readers, and would also suit less able or less confident older readers. Is this a happy coincidence or a deliberate strategy?

A.4. Deliberate strategy. I have many grandchildren of all ages who are reluctant readers and try to come up with ways to get them to read.

Q.5. What are three words you’d use to describe the Bush Tails series?

A 5. Fun, adventure, mystery.

Thanks, Elaine!

The Bunyip in the Billabong will be available in book shops through Dennis Jones and Associates, from all library suppliers, and on many online bookshops through them and Ingrams. The eBook will be on Amazon and all eBook distributors.
Check out the links below.

Click HERE for our review of The Bunyip in the Billabong.

Promote Me Please blog is associated with Affordable Manuscript Assessments

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Thursday, 14 January 2016

Alberto Büchi and Frontier Wanderer

Today we welcome author Alberto Büchi to Promote Me Please to talk about his Dystopian novel, Frontier Wanderer

Q. Frontier Wanderer is a memorable story with a memorable protagonist. Can you give us three words to describe Hansio?

A. Hansio is a protagonist with a complex personality. I could divide his character in two, according to the dramatic events of his life, his past and his present, and associate him to various adjectives. However the Hansio I prefer is the devastated man bent by the crumbling world in which he lives rather than the strong and lucid mind hero of his past. He is an ambiguous hero. For this reason the first three words that come to my mind are: nihilist, furious and spiritual.

He is nihilist, broadly speaking, because he is a sick man, he wishes for himself and for the world a total disruption. Hansio doesn’t see an ultimate purpose leading the life, he is a man without God.

Hansio is also furious because he failed coming to terms with the past. He has poured his heart into what he believed was right and into love for his wife. But life has been violent and cruel with him.
At the same time Hansio is a character who seeks his own spirituality. It may seem a contradiction, but it is not and I would not go too much into on this point as I don’t want to spoil the story for those who have not read the book yet.
Q. Which came first for you when writing Frontier Wanderer? 

Was it the plot, the “world” or the main character?

A. They were born at the same time, Hansio and his dying world with the sun which is blowing out. The plot came later.
The book, however, was born from a particular image, the initial one. I imagined my protagonist riding a horse and dragging a prisoner on foot and in chains. I saw both of them in a Nordic, cold, ruthless landscape while coming toward a wooden stake fixed in the ground where the mud was mixed with blood ...

I do not like the completely good characters and that’s why I told myself: that prisoner will end up badly regardless of the reason it is tied!
Q. The images on the Facebook Frontier Wanderer page are attention-grabbing, from the cover to the author pictures. How did you come up with the “look” you wanted?

A. I love horror and fantasy genre. Frontier Wanderer is a raw and ruthless novel and I thought it could be a good idea to join the book with a dark pic of me, a light from below, gloomy glance… things like that.
The same was for the cover.
However, just to make someone smile, the picture I chose for my facebook personal profile is one in which I embrace my beloved cocker, Toffee.
You can imagine that a picture like that did not match too much with a story in which corpses, blood and cruelty are. 

Q. How well does the cover of Frontier Wanderer reflect your concept for the story?

A. The cover comes from the collaboration with the cover artist Cinsearae Santiago. I explained her the mood of the story and especially the cold and dying world where it is set. The protagonist holds his weapon and looks into the distance the horde of creatures, hungry for human flesh, that slowly approaches. It communicates a kind of inexorability of events that goes well with the inexorability of the quests that Hansio will face.
His enemies are outside in the world, but many are also inside him. He must win both battles.
The idea of monsters like the vampire or the zombies are basically a metaphor for the inner demons that haunt us.

 Q. The theme of a hero’s humanity struggling to survive in terrible circumstances is a strong one and you carry it off with panache. Is this a theme you consider using again?

A. Yes. I really like to create parallels between the outer world and the inner world. Hansio’s world is a world where the sun is dying and the same is also happening to life in his heart. All vitality is being lost while inside him the hope for something better has already been switched off for long time.
It will be up to the reader to find out if the little who he must save will help him returning to be a true hero with a great soul, or not.
Now I'm working on a post-apocalyptic book. The main character is a pregnant girl who struggles to survive despite the fact that Earth is not the same anymore. She is full of hope but this positivity will be put to the trial.

Thanks, Alberto! 
Frontier Wanderer is published by : Siento Sordida, an Imprint of Caliburn Press, LLC.; (November 28, 2015)

Now, here are some links. 
Alberto's website
Twitter alberto_buechi
Amazon book link

Promote Me Please blog is associated with Affordable Manuscript Assessments

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Sunday, 10 January 2016

Michelle Path Talks About Her Books

Today we welcome Michelle Path to Promote Me Please to talk about her children’s books.

Q1 Hi, Michelle; while trawling about on Twitter, I found my attention attracted by some wonderfully funny and individual illustrations. So… would you tell our readers about these?

A I like to come up with characters that are unique and fun for children to get to know. I think the best way for children to learn to love to read is by being able to identify with the characters in some way. Incorporating these into stories that are weird and whacky is something that I love to do as an author. The illustrations really bring my stories to life. I am fortunate to have been able to work with such talented artists.

Q2 Sham Subterranean and Xalien and a pirate scared of birds are just three of your characters. Please describe Sham Subterranean in three words.

A Unique, mysterious and likeable

Q 3 OK, who is the pirate and why is he scared of birds?

A The pirate is named Crackskull Jack. He is the captain of a raggedy crew and sails on his ship The Eye of the Storm. Everyone has something they are frightened of and Jack’s phobia just happens to be a fear of birds. Fears are not always rational and logical and Crackskull Jack’s is ironic to say the least. He is on a quest to find a cure for his fear.

Q 4 Which is your favourite of your own books so far and why?

A, I have two favourites. Firstly Xalien the Purple Alien: Xalien Goes to the Zoo. I love animals and one of my main messages as an author is about caring for animals. Xalien is so fun to write about that she almost writes her own adventures.
Secondly Suki and the Seedling. It was the first book I have had published and it is a Chinese based fairy tale with an environmental theme. Caring for the environment is another issue that I am passionate about so it is a book I am incredibly proud of. I wrote the story a few years ago. Jyoti Di Cola really worked her magic on the illustrations.

Q 5 What’s next for Michelle Path?

A. I have seven books coming out this year (2016) including my first chapter book Rory Aqua Adventure Man. I also have a short story book to be released towards the end of the year titled Phantasmagorical Phobias which includes The Pirate Who Was Scared of Birds and another 5 stories which all deal with ironic phobias. I also have a book called Cody the Pony which I wrote based on my own experiences with my pony Cody. The other books are mainly sequels including a new pirate book and the second Subterranea story.

Thanks, Michelle! And here are some links for readers to follow.

Twitter @mimilovesu

Promote Me Please blog is associated with Affordable Manuscript Assessments

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Friday, 8 January 2016

Allison Cosgrove and her Stan Brookshire series

Today we welcome author Allison Cosgrove to Promote Me Please to answer five questions about her work.

1. Stan Brookshire; homicide detective, is the protagonist of five five (I think?) novels, including the upcoming title The Widowmaker. What are three words that describe Stan's character?

A. Never give in. While Stan isn't perfect, he is one that will not give up no matter the cost to him personally. This goes for not only the cases he works but also in his personal life. 

2. How did you come up with the character of Stan Brookshire? His name suggests he isn't a typical "hero" type.

A. He's the everyday man, just trying to do his best to right the wrongs of his world. I created him to be a person that everyone could related to in some way or another. He’s not perfect, he's made some HUGE mistakes in his personal life and his career, sometimes stubborn, loud and a person who hides his insecurities behind a mask of humor. He is human.
3. Could readers come to The Widowmaker as new readers, or is the series best read in order?

A. One thing I always found annoying with s series that you had to read all of them, in order, in order to keep up with what’s going on. So when I wrote my own series I decided to make each one of them stand on their own, there is an distinctive end to each book, so no cliffhangers! There are moments in later books where Stan will refer back to other cases from previous books, but there are no spoilers.  

4. What prompted you to write The Dark Horse Trilogy? How does it differ from your better-known Stan Brookshire novels?

A. Dark Horse is an upcoming trilogy where I explore a 'what if' style of scenario, it is considerably darker than my usual novels but it will still have ties back to the original Stan Brookshire series. I need my hero in this one! 

5. What's coming next from Allison Cosgrove?
A. This year will see two more Stan Brookshire series books, two to three more in the Den of Thieves series, and the opening of the Dark Horse Trilogy. I will be working on other projects as well throughout the year but for now that's all I have going on.

All! That sounds a great deal to most of us, I'm sure. To catch up with this active writer, head off to 
Twitter: alleycat34

Thanks, very much to Allison for visiting our blog.

Promote Me Please blog is associated 

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Sunday, 3 January 2016

Tanya Balcke and I Have a Worry

Today at Promote Me Please we welcome Tanya Balcke, to talk about her innovative children's book "I Have a Worry".

Q.1.‘I have a Worry’ is a fascinating idea for a book. How did it come to you? 

A.1. This book has been forming throughout my experiences as a Primary School teacher. The language used within the book is the same language I use in my classroom with my kids. We talk constantly about how to manage concerns that the kids have, and really try to develop the kids’ ability to self-manage their own worries. It’s all about teaching the children to differentiate the size of their worries, and knowing when they need the help from the trusted people in their lives. I also am a mum of three beautiful boys. Our eldest son started high school in 2015, and it was a new time for our family. My husband and I reflected on how important it was that our boys were encouraged to talk and share. We wanted to be able to share and encourage others to do so as well.

Q.2. Which came first with ‘I have a Worry’, the ideas for the pictures or for the text?

A.2. During the Term 1 holidays in 2015, I sat down and wrote the story. The text only took 25 minutes, even though I spent many hours thinking about changing it or looking for improvements. The words just naturally flowed, and seemed quite simple. The simplicity is what I am told is reaching the children. The illustrations came next, and these also followed the theme of ‘simplicity’. I am a teacher, not an artist, so I needed to trust that simple would do.

Q.3. What means have you used to distribute ‘I have a Worry’?

A.3. Launching ‘I have a Worry’ has also launched my Facebook experience. My close girlfriend (who has wanted me on Facebook for quite some time) came around one night and helped me to set up my first Facebook page. This has been the primary publicity tool and has helped me reach many customers. I then approached my local book stores, and their support has been terrific. As a self-published author, you are required to build your own connections and relationships with the wider communities. It has been the strength of the message of the book that has built the momentum. 

Q.4. Where did the specific worries come from? Are they real, or did you make them up? 

A.4. ‘I Have a Worry’ doesn’t talk about specific worries, as kids deal with such a range of different things. I didn’t want to exclude some worries. The feelings that the children feel when dealing with worries are definitely real. They are real accounts and words that my students have shared over my time. My favourite time is reading this book for the first time with a child, and they look up and say, “How did you climb into my head?” The emotions are authentic. 

Q.5. What plans do you have for a follow up?

A.5. This book is the first in a three book series. The second book, ‘My Pet Worry’, and the third book ‘My Worry Rocket’, are already written and illustrated. They build on the strategies from ‘I have a Worry’ and provide kids with more tools to be able to differentiate the ‘size’ of their worries. Again, they are written in the ‘voice’ of our classroom, and provide concrete and real things to do when faced with worries. As a self-published author, these books will be sent to the printer when we have raised enough funds from the sale of the first book. It is very exciting to share, that at the end of December, 2015, I sent ‘I Have a Worry’ back to the printers for its second print run.

Thanks, Tanya.

Check out Tanya's Facebook page.
Check out Tanya's homepage

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